Monday, March 28, 2011

In the Intergalactic War Between Apple and Android, There Can Be Only One Victor

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Download GrooVe IP Apk for android phones

Download GrooVe IP Apk for android phones This app has a separate dialer that can be used to make calls. Alternatively, the native dialer, ...

June Android Stats: A Little More Ice Cream, Still A Lot Of Gingerbread

Google's updated its developer website with the latest statistics for Android platform use. Spoiler: Android's still a bit fragmente...

Tips Defrag Di Android

Apa itu Defrag? Defrag , adalah suatu proses merapikan data pada harddisk untuk mempercepat pemrosesan data dan meng-optimasi kecepatan kerj...

"Android Tron" by J. Arturo Ramírez Romero

Dobryï den! If you like the movie Tron (or not), you will like these figures. After made "R2D2 Android" , J. Arturo Ramírez Romer...

Cooking Dash [QVGA]

Best android apps Cooking food Sprinkle is really a heavenly enjoyment video game that allows you to give food to many starving client pr...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Read This! Av Compare Testbed consisted of 321 Viruses, Trojans and Worms, all for the Windows32 environment, and all reasonably new samples...

Researchers Find Ways to Bypass Google's Android Malware Scanner

The Android malware scanner called Bouncer, which Google uses to scrutinize all apps uploaded to Google Play, can be easily bypassed, a pair...

How To Flash / Install Firmware Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570

This Tutorial is about flashing firmware on your Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 . I posted a step by and easy tutori...

Buddha Finger, a Mobile Martial Arts Rhythm Game Developed by Kick-Ass Moms

buddhafinger Anna Marsh and Sarah van Rompaey are a pair of video game industry veterans, having worked on big-budget titles including Tomb...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Android - Structure of the Manifest.xml File

  STRUCTURE OF THE MANIFEST.XML FILE  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Andriod 2D Graphics - Drawing Pad Sample

In this aritcle shows how to use onDraw() method and create a simple drawing program. The only significant files are Draw activity and the D...

Android Web service using Ksoap 1 Matrimonials 1)       Install WSD2java plugin (   and (   p...