Monday, February 14, 2011

"Android Ice Cream Sandwitch" by Trikero and Joe Ayala

As fan of Android, you may know the next version of Android is the fourth and called "Ice Cream Sandwitch".
For you information, there was a lot of name, for differents versions, like "Cupcake", "Donut", "Froyo".

Actually, the most important version on phone is "Gingerbread" and "Honeycomb" for tablets.

But I'm here to speak about Android Figure so I will stop to speak about the differents versions :)

My friend Trikero has done a figure inspired from the "Ice Cream Sandwitch" theme:

And here you have the figure from Joe Ayala:

Both figures are really nice and I hope there will be other Android Ice Cream Sandwitch in the future!

Here is the blog of Trikero.