Friday, April 15, 2011

Pictures from "Mega Mecha" by Adam Pratt and Alex Zariphes

Bonjour les amis!

You have probably see my blog post about "Mega Mecha" serie from Adam Pratt and Alex Zariphes.

Today, I show you a few pictures of these Android.

The first Android (in top) is the Ultra Rare and his name's "Bubbles".
 I quote Alex: "Bubbles was affectionately named by friend and foe, not only for her bubble dome, but because when she was spotted in the field you can be sure all of those communication arrays were chatting away giving vital intelligence including troop position and terrain. In other words, Bubble just doesn't shut up."

They have done a very cool about these figures. We definitely tell these Android Figures are ready for the next World War!

My fav is the green who has got an axe!

All these pictures are from Alex Zaphire's blog. Have a look!