still have trouble to load android SDK into Eclipse under Ubuntu. I have Ubuntu 64-bit version installed. In order to run 32-bit application, I need to install a few things. There are problems installing Java JDK6, and then, I can't install Android plug-in to Eclipse.
In the end, I give up on Eclipse, and install Eclipse with Android plugin on Mac OS Lion. It has Intel Core i5, which is 64-bit processor. This does the trick.
This is my setup. I run a java client code on Mac. It runs an Android Emulator, which will send and take signals through wireless connection to a Dell running Ubuntu, which runs a C server code
and connects to a Arduino board with Xbee via USB cord.
The Arduino with Xbee will send a signal wirelessly to another Xbee, which is attached to a robotCar.
By sending a signal from Android Emulator on Mac, the robotCar can move accordingly. Also,
when a barrier is encountered, a signal will send back to, a message will display on the Android Emulator on Mac.